We Land showcased at resident event
The We Land Project was showcased at a resident event held by the City of Helsinki on 29
January 2019 to present the detailed draft plan for Porkkalankatu office construction. The
alteration to detailed plan proposed turning the unbuilt areas in the vicinity of the
Porkkalankatu and Länsisatamankatu crossing at Ruoholahti into a block area of office
construction. The objective is to enable constructing headquarters-level office buildings in the
The plan includes two 7-14-storey office buildings to rise on both sides of the Porkkalankatu
Street. One of them will be situated on the former tram line no. 8 and the other in the service
station plot. The updated planning materials can be found in the map service of the City of
Helsinki at kartta.hel.fi/suunnitelmat. Opinions regarding the preliminary materials as per the
participation and assessment scheme were requested by 8 February 2019.